On the image you see many people holding sign like "Black lives matter", "Equality", "Blanchocratie c'est fini" and others. There is a big black banner with white text written "Black lives matter, I can't breath".


The MovingChange Collective works for a just, peaceful and democratic world by supporting social and environmental justice movements in Switzerland through various services.

Services that the MovingChange Collective provides are called tools and are offered to the movements for free. These tools are adapted to the current needs of the movements for social and environmental justice and are therefore dynamic and flexible. In the case of requested services which we do not provide ourselves, we act as an intermediary who can connect the corresponding people.

Tools are divided into three different areas according to the type of support:


This section contains concrete support for specific projects. In this way, political actions or events can be supported and the movements can as for the specific help they need. 

The project-specific tools include for example, image and video production, legal advice, support in media work, providing contacts or providing material.

At the moment we provide the following support:

  • Professional video production (for social media)
  • Providing different kind of activist contacts

If you need some kind of support which we can provide – contact us on hello(ät)movingchange.ch

Information: We will expand our support as soon we have more financial ressources.

Sharing of knowledge and skills

In this area, the focus is on knowledge- and experience sharing and self-empowerment (learning certain skills). These are provided by offering various educational courses and workshops. They cover topics such as media handling, fundraising, use of action materials, communication, inclusion and diversity.

Furthermore, knowledge on specific topics is actively collected and preserved so that movements can build on the knowledge which has already been created. This knowledge is made available, for example, in the form of guidelines and instructions.

Your local activist-group wants to organize a demonstration and you don’t know how? Contact us on hello(ät)movingchange.ch

Networking and strategy

The stability of a social movement is (strongly) influenced by external factors, such as domestic and foreign political crises, social power relations and dominant value and norm systems. Therefore, active networking between different groups and common sub-strategies are important for the development and continuation of social movements.

In Switzerland, there are many different politically active groups that focus their activities on a variety of topics. The networking and strategy – section, aims to promote exchange between activists from different groups, for example by organizing networking events, personal get-togethers such as an environmental justice dinner or strategy meetings.

Contact us on hello(ät)movingchange.ch
