On the image you see many protesters on the Schützenmatte in Bern. In the back of the image, there is a bridge, where there is a train from Swiss national training company SBB passing. There are some trees between the protesters. Above the bridge you see the sky and some white clouds. It seems as a beginning of a demonstration, as the people look calm.

Trasparenza finanziaria

Qui trovate la trasparenza sulle finanze del MovingChange Collective.

Sviluppo di MOVERS

 Development since August 2023.

Saldo attuale

Our current balance per 21. February 2025:

CHF Testo
3’275.39 Conto bancario
3’275.39 Totale

Reddito mensile attuale

Our current monthly revenue (updated February 2025):

CHF Testo
ca. 1411.00 Reddito da MOVERS
ca. 1411.00 Totale

Spese mensili correnti

Our current monthly expenses (updated February 2025):

CHF Testo
ca. 800.00 Salary pre-tax 20%, Red
200.00 Filmmaterial costs
ca. 100.00 Social security
ca. 100.00 Insurances
ca. 50.00 Website & IT
ca. 50.00 Other
ca. 650.00 Impuls Akademie Teilname & Reisekosten
ca. 1950.00 Totale

Rapporti annuali

Leggete i nostri rapporti annuali.
