On the image you see many protesters on the Schützenmatte in Bern. In the back of the image, there is a bridge, where there is a train from Swiss national training company SBB passing. There are some trees between the protesters. Above the bridge you see the sky and some white clouds. It seems as a beginning of a demonstration, as the people look calm.

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Entwicklung von MOVER*INNNEN

 Entwicklung seit August 2023.

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Our current balance per 21. February 2025:

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3’275.39 Bankkonto
3’275.39 Total

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Our current monthly revenue (updated February 2025):

CHF Text
ca. 1411.00 Einnahmen durch MOVER*INNEN
ca. 1411.00 Total

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Our current monthly expenses (updated February 2025):

CHF Text
ca. 800.00 Salary pre-tax 20%, Red
200.00 Filmmaterial costs
ca. 100.00 Social security
ca. 100.00 Insurances
ca. 50.00 Website & IT
ca. 50.00 Other
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ca. 1950.00 Total


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